Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome New Education Faculty!

The Argosy School of Education is very excited to introduce our newest additions to our full and part-time faculty!

Qiana Cutts, Ph.D.
Georgia State University
Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Qualitative Research Methods; Program Evaluation; Academic Writing; APA Formatting and Style; Foundations of Education; Race, Gender, Class and Education; Multicultural Education and Diversity
Professional Positions Held: K-12 Teacher, Team Leader, Design Team Facilitator, Graduate Research Assistant, Program Evaluator, Research Associate, Adjunct Instructor, Consultant
E-mail Address:

Waltrina E. Dufor, Ph.D.
Indiana State University
Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Higher Education, Leadership & Governance, Mentoring, Intersectionality of Race, Gender, Class & Politics, and Identity Development.
Professional Positions Held: Associate Dean of Students & Director of Campus Programs, Director of Student Development, Charter School Curriculum Director, Director of Multicultural and International Affairs, Workforce Development Coordinator, Admissions & International Counselor, Community Relations Coordinator, Adjunct Faculty, and Consultant.

Email Address:

John Eaves, Ph.D.
University of South Carolina
Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Higher Education Administration, Student Personnel Services, Historically Black College & Universities, Single-gender education
Professional Positions Held: Assistant Dean of Student & Enrollment Services, Director of Evening Degree Programs, Regional Director of the Peace Corps, Senior Program Officer
E-mail Address:

Harold McGinnis, Ph.D.
Florida State University
Associate Professor
Specialty Areas: Higher Education, Comprehensive and Strategic Planning, Campus Master Planning and Facilities, Program Evaluation, Research Methods and Quantitative Analysis, Survey Research, Math and Science Education
Professional Positions Held: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Institute Director, Planning Director, Vice President-Planning Consultant, Aide to Governor, Instructor, Coach
E-mail Address:

Part-Time Faculty

Kimberly S. Anderson, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: qualitative research, program evaluation, language policy, bilingual education/ESOL, English Language Learners, immigration, diversity and race
Professional Positions Held: Senior Policy Research Analyst with the SERVE Center at the University of North Carolina Greensboro; and prior to that research and program evaluation director, school improvement consultant, researcher, peer-reviewed journal editorial board, elementary bilingual teacher
E-mail Address:

Curtis Grier, Ed.D.
Clark Atlanta University
Associate Professor
Specialty Area: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Action Research, Program Evaluations, Survey Design
Professional Positions Held: Research Specialist, Staffing Administrator, Internal Affairs Investigator
Email address:

Spring Course Addition - E7337 Special Topics

Spring II Course Addition

E7337 BLA Special Topics of Curriculum and Instruction will be added to the Spring II course schedule (please allow 24 hrs from this posting for the course to show in the student portal.) If you require this course, please register via online registration before January 18th.

E7337 BLA Special Topics in Education
Blended Sat. & Sun.
March 20-21
April 17-18 (9am - 5pm)
Dr. Kimberly Wilson

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Attention MAEd Students

We have added a section of E6233 Education Finance to the Spring 2010 Course Schedule. The course section is BLA and it will be taught by Dr. Robert Waller.
Thank you,

Monday, November 2, 2009

Research and Writing Course Policy

Argosy Atlanta School of Education Students

All Writing and all Research courses must be taken in the Blended Weekend or Evening course formats. Please do not register, or request to be registered for 100% online research or writing courses. The request will be denied.

Listed below are the courses that must be taken in an on-ground format:

W7000 Advanced Academic Study and Writing
E7834 Writing for Research & Professional Publication
E6925 Capstone
E6100 Research in Education
R7001-A Introduction to Research Methods
R7031-A Methods and Analysis of Quantitative Research
R7032-A Experimental Research Methods
R7034-A Advanced Statistics
R7035-A Methods and Analysis of Qualitative Research
R7036-A Curriculum and Program Evaluation Methods
R7038-A Action Research
R7040 Advanced Qualitative Analysis

Thank you for your understanding,

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Spring Course Schedule

Welcome to Spring Registration!
Please use the published Spring Course Schedule to plan your spring semester and then proceed to the student portal to register for your selections.
As of 10/13/09, I have made changes to the spring schedule. Please print a fresh copy if you have printed a schedule from yesterday! Also, the Schedule of Online Spring Courses will be available this week (hopefully by tomorrow 10/14/09.)
If you are having problems registering for research courses, please submit a completed add/drop form to the education department via fax: 770.671.0476 ATTN: Education. Incomplete add/drop forms will not be processed (Student information must be legible and course selections must include course number and section.)
Please keep a new copy of the updated Academic Advisor List. We have many new full-time faculty that are very enthusiastic about assisting students with their plans!
Thank you and have a great spring 2010!
Chris Burndrett

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Changing Majors/Concentrations

If you are contemplating changing your degree major or concentration, please compare the Program Requirement Sheet of the major or concentration desired with your current requirements.
Depending on how far you have progressed in your program, you may be required to take additional courses within the new major/concentration and/or you may lose recognition for courses that are not reflected in the curriculum of the new major/concentration.
Program Requirement Sheets are posted in the lower right hand column of this website.

Thank you,

Argosy Atlanta School of Education Policy - Research Courses

It is Argosy Atlanta School of Education Policy that all research and writing courses must be taken via an on-ground format. When registering for research or writing courses, please choose sections that are in the blended weekend or evening (during the week) formats. These courses may not be taken in the 100% online format. If you email, fax, or drop off an add/drop form requesting an online research course, your registration will not be processed.

Thank you,

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doctoral Student Conference

The First Annual
Doctoral Student Conference
will be held on August 29th, 2009
from 8:30am to 4:30 pm.

The objectives of the conference are:
1. To share and exchange perspectives on the resources available for the doctoral student support process.

2. To articulate and describe specific strategies for succeeding at each stage the dissertation phase of doctoral study

3. To present doctoral students who have successfully completed all phases of doctoral study.

4. To provide real world examples of "the work."

5. To model professional collegiality and collaboration and provide opportunities for networking.

6. To assist doctoral students in preparing for dissertation defenses.

* All doctoral students are invited to attend*

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Student Success - Jeffrey Copeland

Congratulations to Jeffrey Copeland for being chosen to attend a unique training experience as a direct result of his dissertation research.

Jeffrey has been invited to participate in 5 days of training at the Gurian Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This intense training experience is designed for teachers, administrators, parents and other professionals working with children. The Institute is committed to helping those working with children (and their families) gain knowledge of how the male and female brain learn, then applying that knowledge to their classrooms, schools, districts, communities and homes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Student Success - Jose Colon

The Argosy Atlanta School of Education would like to congratulate Jose Colon for securing his position as Assistant Administrator for North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Please join us in wishing Jose the best in his well - earned position!

Monday, June 22, 2009

CITI Training

Hello Dissertation students,

CITI training is completed online at Please contact your dissertation chair for more details.

Thank you,

Dissertation Guide and IRB Handbook

***Update*** The IRB Handbook and Fall 2009 Dissertation Guide are now available on this blog under the "Disseration Information" heading. (1/25/2010)

Hello Ed.D Dissertation students,

The 2009 Dissertation Guide and IRB Handbook are available on Please contact the university for the login and password if you do not have it.

Once logged into, click on "Ed.D" and then "Dissertation." This will take you to a webpage with PDF's of both of the above dissertation resources as well as others.

Thank you,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Section of R7001 Intro to Research

We have added a new section of R7001 Introduction to Research Methods to the Summer II session. If you would like to register for this course, please complete an add/drop form and submit it to the registrar. See course information below:

R7001 BLH Introduction to Research Methods
7.5 Week-2
Sat. & Sun.
Jul. 18-19 & Aug. 15-16

Dr. McGinnis

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Townhall Meetings RE: HB 455

Please find the announcements sent to all education student email addresses under the heading "House Bill 455" on the right side of the screen. Here you will find the dates for the meetings seperated by degree program.

MAEd students will meet on May 26 from 6:30-8:30 in room 400-401

Ed.S students will meet on May 27th from 6:30-8:30 in room 400-401

Ed.D students will meet on May 28th, and June 2nd-4th from 6:30-8:30 in room 400-401. Please attend the meetings according to the first letter of your last name:

Date of Meeting - Student Last Name
May 28th...............A-F
June 2nd...............G-J
June 3rd................K-R
June 4th................S-Z

*This chart is for Ed.D students only

Students currently registered for dissertation do not need to attend these meetings. Please make an appointment with your dissertation chair to discuss HB 455.

Friday, May 8, 2009

House Bill 455

Important Notice Re: HB 455’s Impact on Teachers Pursuing a Leadership Degree

To: All Students Enrolled in the College of Education, Argosy University Atlanta

As you may be aware, on April 6, 2009 the Governor signed into law House Bill 455 (HB 455), which provides that educators who earn education leadership degrees on or after July 1, 2010, will not earn a salary increase unless they are already in a leadership position. According to HB 455, all leadership positions will be defined by the State Board of Education. Teachers completing degrees in areas of education leadership prior to July 1, 2010, will remain eligible to receive the normal salary increase upon degree completion without occupying a leadership position, according to our understanding of the bill.

Argosy University is adopting several strategies to address this issue including modification of our programs so that teachers not in leadership positions might continue to have opportunities to receive salary increases. We will be discussing our plans on how we are addressing this issue during several town hall meetings. You will receive a schedule of these meetings within the next week. We hope that you can participate.

If you cannot attend the meeting designated for your group, you will need to contact your advisor for additional information.


Edward L. Bouie, Jr., Ed.D.
Campus President

Murray Bradfield, Ph.D.
Vice-President Academic Affairs

Marion Anders, Ed.D.
Program Chair
College of Education
Atlanta Campus

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
For Students regarding the IRB Process

Doctoral students who have not defended a dissertation proposal or submitted a CRP prospectus by May 9, 2009, will need to complete the training going forward. This means that students who pass a proposal defense or submit a prospectus on May 10 and beyond will also need to submit their CITI certification, proving that they have successfully completed the training. The training certificate should be submitted to the IRB along with the other documents when applying for protocol certification.

May 10 will also signal the date by which we will expect all research protocols to be in conformity to the new Handbook. Below is a brief summary of the major changes reflected in the new Handbook.

Major Changes in IRB Requirements:
1. A Conflict of Interest Statement has been added
2. Language was added to address cross-campus research
3. Language was added to address class research projects
4. IRB forms were streamlined
5. The IRB Handbook is hyperlinked to facilitate ease of use.


Effective 2/20/2009, the following procedure governing IRB applications will be implemented. Please convey this information to faculty and doctoral students.

The IRB has up to 30 days (Exempt and Expedited) and 60 days (Full IRB Review) to make a decision. However, every effort is being made to respond in the shortest time possible. The “clock starts” upon the receipt of a completed application. Incomplete applications will no longer be accepted and will be returned. Completed applications have all questions answered; signatures of both student and chair/advisor; informed consent documents (where appropriate); and a letter giving the principal researcher permission to conduct the study. The letter must be on official letterhead and must contain a hand signature of the organizational authority or owner of the data. In cases where the agency, school, or organization requires approval or verification from the IRB prior to issuing its permission letter, the student must state that in writing when submitting the application. If the data are public and require no permission to be granted, the student must explain where the data can be found and how the data are accessed.

The IRB will accept applications in electronic or hard copy formats; however, all documents must come in one packet, at one time, by the same person, in the same format. For example, signature pages will no longer be accepted separately from the rest of the application. Neither can students submit one part of the application on one day and another part on a different day. Documents should be submitted to Christie Vozniak at with the title in the subject area of the email titled: IRB REVIEW.

Please do not call or email asking when you might expect to hear back from the IRB. Applications are reviewed in order of receipt. The same applies to revised applications. Normally, there are 12-15 new applications and at least a half-dozen revised applications in each queue at any given time. Again, we are making every effort to respond as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and support.

Murray O. Bradfield, Jr., Ph.D.
Campus Vice President for Academic Affairs
Argosy University, Atlanta
980 Hammond Drive, Bldg. 2, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30328
Phone: 770.407.1052
FAX: 770.671.0476

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Summer Intensive format Course Added

By student request, we have added a section of E7231 Administrative Theory and Practice K-12 in the week-long intensive format. See course information below:

E7231 BLD Administrative Theory and Practice in K-12
7.5 Week-1
Intensive Format
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri.

Jun. 22-26 9:00 - 6:45

Thank you,
Chris Burndrett

Friday, April 24, 2009

New section of E7834 Writing for Research added

Attention Ed.D Students

We have added a new section of Writing for Research to the Summer 09 Course Schedule. Writing for Research is the last class taken before dissertation. Please do not register for this class if you have research, foundation, or elective courses remaining. Course information below:

E7834 BLF Writing for Research
15 Week Blended course
Meets on Sundays May 17. Jun. 21, Jul. 19, Aug. 16 10:00-4:00
With Dr. Harold McGinnis
Added 4/22/09

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Added Summer I & II R7038 Action Research Courses

We have added two sections of R7038-A Action Research to the Summer Schedule. If you need this class, please send in an add/drop form to the registrar 770.407.1110.

Summer I

Action Research in Education
7.5 Week-1
Sat. & Sun.
May 16-17 & Jun. 20-21 9:00-5:00

Added 4/7/09

Summer II

Action Research in Education
7.5 Week-2
Sat. & Sun.
July 18-19 & Aug. 15-16 9:00-5:00

Added 4/7/09

Monday, April 6, 2009

Summer Course Additions

Two new sections have been opened for the summer session. Please see below. You may register for these courses by submitting a completetd Drop/Add form to the registrar. Fax: 770.407.1110

Methods and Analysis of Qualitative Research
7.5 Week-1
Sat. & Sun.
July 25 - 26, Aug. 15 - 16 9:00-5:00
Dr. White-Johnson
Added 4/6/09

Org. Comm. Sys. And Leadership Internship/Seminar
7.5 Week-1
Sat. & Sun.
Jul. 18-19, Aug.15-16 9:00-5:00
Added 4/6/09

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Summer II Course Cancellations

The following Summer II courses have been cancelled due to low enrollment:

E7033 BLC Leading and Managing Change in a Diverse Society - Dr. Addie Davis

E7034 BLD Critical Analysis of Problems and Issues in Education - Dr. Barbara Holmes

E7134 A Comprehensive Planning and Implementation - Dr. Wislene John

E7240 BLA Education Law: Higher Education - Dr. Karen Wheel-Carter

If you are registered for one of these courses, you have been emailed and phone contacted was attempted. Please consult the Summer Course Schedule to schedule a replacement before April 6th.

Thank you,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Registration for Research Courses

Hello Doctoral Students,

Currently, all research courses have been altered to reflect the addition of prerequisites. These prerequisites are designed to ensure students are in the appropriate research course within the research sequence. If you have taken E7111 Introduction to Advanced Academic Study and Writing, the system may not allow you register for research courses online via the student portal. Please submit an add/drop form to the education department via email or fax so that we can enter your registration manually. If you have taken W7000 Introduction Advanced Academic Study and Writing, the newer version of the same course, you should be able to register online for the research classes that list this as a prerequisite. The course number for all research classes have been altered slightly. Each research course now has “–A” preceding the original course number (example: R7001 is now R7001-A). Please see below for the new course numbers and the prerequisite course(s) necessary to gain entry into each course.

Research Courses and the Prerequisites

R7001-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of W7000
R7031-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A
R7035-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A
R7034-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A, R7031-A
R7036-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A, R7031-A, R7035-A

R7037-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A, R7031-A
R7038-A. Added new w/ prerequisites of R7001-A, R7031-A, R7035-A
Thank you,

Course Cancellations

Due to low enrollment, the following Summer I courses have been cancelled:

R7034 A Advanced Statistical Methods
R7039 A Advanced Qualitative Analysis
E7331 BLA Curriculum Theory and Design
E7245 BLA Teaching & Effective Learning Strategies
E7034 BLB Critical Analysis of Problems and Issues in Ed

If you are registered for any of these courses, you will be contacted by the education department and administratively dropped from the cancelled course(s.) Please consult the updated Summer Schedule under the "Useful Documents" section on the right side of the screen.

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Princeton Elementary Leadership Academy

Argosy Atlanta hosted a very sucessful leadership academy for the students of our adopted Princeton Elementary School on Tuesday, March 17th. Members of the Argosy family presented leadership tips for the students. Doctors Riley Ordu, Glaspie-Ellis, George, an Dr. Dubyak held interactive sessions with the students. The students were engaged and particpated in each activity with vigour and vitality! The students were chaperoned by Princeton Elementary Teachers. Dr. Virginia Davis coordinated the program. A very special "Thank you!" is in order for Administrative Assistant Charlene Krueger who provided for the nutritional needs and made sure that this historical even was recorded by photography.
Thanks to all that participated!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Section of Writing for Research

A new section of E7834 Writing for Research has been added for Summer 2009. It is meeting on May 9, June 6, July 11, and August 8 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. This course will be instructed by Dr. Dubyak.

E7834 BLE Writing for Research

It is very important that you register for Writing for Research after completing ALL REQUIRED COURSEWORK. Please do not register for this or any other Writing for Research class if you have any unsatisfied foundations or elective courses within your program.

Thank you,
School of Education

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Summer Date Changes for Ed.D/Ed.S Evening Courses

Due to a change in Course Planning, the dates for 7 1/2 week evening courses in the summer schedule have changed. Previously, evening courses were listed as one day a week. They have been changed to two days a week - either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday depending on the section requested.

These changes do not effect evening courses that span the full 15 week semester (such as Writing for Research and Research Methods courses) or Masters level courses.

The courses effected by this change are listed within the link below:

Thank you,

School of Education

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Congratulations Dr. Kimberly Anderson!!!!

The School of Education would like to congratulate Dr. Kimberly Anderson, Adjunct Professor, for the publication of her book, War or Common Cause? A Critical Ethnography of Language Education Policy, Race, and Cultural Citizenship.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Anderson on this important achievement!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Registration Update

Over the last few days, there have been glitches in the online registration process that prevented some students from completing their online registration process. I received confirmation that these glitches have been resolved and online registration is now working. Please use the student portal to register for your Summer 2009 classes.

Thank you for your patience,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Summer Registration

Online Registration Summer 2009

Online registration allows students to register for Summer 2009 courses from any computer with internet access. Please use the tools below to complete your registration process. If you encounter any technical difficulties during your registration, please try again following the guide below. If you need assistance, please contact Student Services at 770.407.1197.

Included in this announcement are directions to locate your Program Requirement Sheet on the Education Blog, the Academic Advisor list, the Summer 2009 Course Schedule, and the Web Registration Guide.

It is important to register for the appropriate course. Your program sheet is organized by the year you started your program. Please print out a new program requirement sheet based on the year you began, your degree program, major, and concentration. The classes are presented in the ideal progression. Ed.S and Ed.D students should take courses in the order shown on the program requirement sheet (some deviation is acceptable.) This information is available on the Education Blog on the right hand information column. If you are unsure of which class you should take, please contact your Academic Advisor using the Academic Advisor list - also available on the blog.

Academic Advisor List

The Summer 2009 Course Schedule is available on the blog. Use this schedule to plan your Summer registration as reflected by your Program Requirement Sheet. Within the Summer 2009 Course Schedule, you will find Course Title, Course Section, Term Dates, Meeting Dates, and Instructor name. Where instructors have not been assigned yet, you will see “TBA” in the “Instructor Last Name” column. Please choose your courses carefully, and submit your online registration when you are sure of your schedule. Course schedules for Spring 2009 and Summer 2009 online courses are available on the blog as well.

Summer 2009 Course Schedule

Summer 2009 Online Course Offerings

Spring 2009 Course Schedule

Registration should be completed via online registration. Please read the Web Registration Guide for instructions on how to navigate the student portal for online registration. Please note that due to online document host formatting, this guide is easier to read if you print it out:

Web Registration Guide

Thank you very much and we wish you the best in your academic and professional careers!

Argosy Atlanta School of Education

Argosy Email Accounts


All students must check their Argosy email accounts for announcements and updates on a regular basis in order to stay informed. If you are having difficulty accessing your Argosy Email account, please call the Argosy Helpdesk 1.888.424.4455 to resolve these issues. Your Argosy Email account is the only contact method the School of Education has to keep you informed of changes and updates as you continue your education here at Argosy University Atlanta.

Thank you,
AUA School of Education

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Graduation Announcement

2009 Graduation Announcement

Friday, October 2, 2009 at 1:00pm

Georgia International Convention Center
2000 Convention Center Concourse
College Park, GA 30337

If you plan to participate in the graduation ceremony, please make sure your student account is clear of any and all holds.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Course Add/Drop Deadline

If you need to make any changes in your Spring registration, please take a look at the Course Add/Drop deadline link below.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Writing Lab!

Writing Lab Room 109 “Come to learn—Plan to return.”

· What is the Writing Lab?
Help with APA format, including citations and references Help with organization, style, clarity, and grammar

· Will the Lab proofread my paper and fix all of my errors?
No. The Lab will teach you how to fix your own written assignment. Except for Comps, the Lab is not allowed to give last-minute help. Allow enough time for more than one Lab visit.

· Do I need to make an appointment?
No. A Lab associate will give you one-on-one help for about 45 minutes. No new papers accepted within 5 days of due date (except Comps).

Research support: Clara Williams, M.L.S.
Dissertation editor: Brenda Young, Ph.D.
Lab Coordinator: Donald Gregg, M.A., LAPC