Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Doctoral Student Conference

The First Annual
Doctoral Student Conference
will be held on August 29th, 2009
from 8:30am to 4:30 pm.

The objectives of the conference are:
1. To share and exchange perspectives on the resources available for the doctoral student support process.

2. To articulate and describe specific strategies for succeeding at each stage the dissertation phase of doctoral study

3. To present doctoral students who have successfully completed all phases of doctoral study.

4. To provide real world examples of "the work."

5. To model professional collegiality and collaboration and provide opportunities for networking.

6. To assist doctoral students in preparing for dissertation defenses.

* All doctoral students are invited to attend*

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Student Success - Jeffrey Copeland

Congratulations to Jeffrey Copeland for being chosen to attend a unique training experience as a direct result of his dissertation research.

Jeffrey has been invited to participate in 5 days of training at the Gurian Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This intense training experience is designed for teachers, administrators, parents and other professionals working with children. The Institute is committed to helping those working with children (and their families) gain knowledge of how the male and female brain learn, then applying that knowledge to their classrooms, schools, districts, communities and homes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Student Success - Jose Colon

The Argosy Atlanta School of Education would like to congratulate Jose Colon for securing his position as Assistant Administrator for North Cobb High School in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Please join us in wishing Jose the best in his well - earned position!

Monday, June 22, 2009

CITI Training

Hello Dissertation students,

CITI training is completed online at http://www.citiprogram.org/ Please contact your dissertation chair for more details.

Thank you,

Dissertation Guide and IRB Handbook

***Update*** The IRB Handbook and Fall 2009 Dissertation Guide are now available on this blog under the "Disseration Information" heading. (1/25/2010)

Hello Ed.D Dissertation students,

The 2009 Dissertation Guide and IRB Handbook are available on http://www.gspp.edu/. Please contact the university for the login and password if you do not have it.

Once logged into gspp.edu, click on "Ed.D" and then "Dissertation." This will take you to a webpage with PDF's of both of the above dissertation resources as well as others.

Thank you,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Section of R7001 Intro to Research

We have added a new section of R7001 Introduction to Research Methods to the Summer II session. If you would like to register for this course, please complete an add/drop form and submit it to the registrar. See course information below:

R7001 BLH Introduction to Research Methods
7.5 Week-2
Sat. & Sun.
Jul. 18-19 & Aug. 15-16

Dr. McGinnis