Monday, June 21, 2010

ATTENTION: All Current Dissertation, Cohort (Putnam Co.), and Students Awaiting Ed.D Comprehensive Exam Scores ONLY

I will begin registering all currently enrolled Dissertation & Cohort (Putnam Co.) students for the Fall semester Monday, June 21st. This means:

1. Dissertation & Cohort ( Putnam Co.) students will automatically be registered by the Education Department( If you do not want to be registered for the Fall semester a “Temporary Withdrawal” form must be completed and submitted to the Education Department before the semester begins, September 7, 2010). This form can be located at ; username: gspp; password: wonderful; click on Student Services and select form from drop down tab.

2. If for some reason you were not registered for Summer i.e. a “Hold” on your account and want to be registered for the fall semester, please contact me at 770-407-1060 to discuss your particular situation. When registration opens, please DO NOT register via the student portal.

*Please, Please, Please remember to utilize your student portal to see if you are registered*. I ask that you be patient with the registration process due to the vast number of students who must be registered. The goal is to have everyone registered as quickly as possible. If for some reason there is an issue with your registration, you will be notified via your Argosy student email.

*If you are either scheduled to take the Comprehensive Exam ,awaiting your comp results or currently enrolled in Writing for Research, you are not considered a dissertation student and will not be registered for dissertation until you have Successfully passed Comps and Writing for Research. Upon receiving notification from Samantha that you have passed both Comps & WFR, I will contact you regarding your next steps toward the dissertation process.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

Gwen Stone

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Password Assistance

If you are having difficulty accessing Student Email, eCollege, or the Student Portal due to password issues, you may now call the following phone number for assistance:
